Thursday, June 24, 2010

A change of plans...

Well, Mother Nature just didn't agree with me taking this trip right now. It's 12:30 a.m. and my train was scheduled to leave at 9 p.m. Amtrak had a car on the tracks (no kidding), multiple trees blown across the tracks, and numerous electrical issues because of the storm. That was just between La Porte and South Bend. Freight trains were backing up because of problems and they were estimating at least another 3-4 hours before we would leave South Bend. And there was no telling what was between South Bend and Pittsburgh.

So, I've postponed this trip. My timeline had only a little bit of flexibility in it, and it just isn't worth rushing through and missing the things I was really looking forward to. So I'm hoping to reschedule in August. In the mean time, I'm looking at a couple possibilities in Michigan for a 3-4 day trip over this weekend. After all, everything is packed and ready to go!

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